May 16, 2009

Top Secret Summer Adventure

So, I've decided to spice up my boys' lives a little this summer. They will receive a letter in the mail today...

Dear ***** and *****,

My name is Calvo Padre. I am a secret agent and I have selected the two of you for a special adventure this summer.

I have been secretly investigating you and I have learned that you boys are especially smart, hard-working, and creative. You will need those qualities for the many tasks and assignments I will have for you this summer.

I hope you are ready for adventure, surprises, challenges, and some hard work. Because if you are, there will be prizes, rewards and excitement all summer long!

It is my task to make sure that both of you are learning, thinking, and behaving like Super Agents! You will be challenged to try new things, take care of others, solve mysteries and do tasks.

Sometimes I will have special missions just for ****** or just for ******.

Here is your first assignment.
1. Go to the computer in the guest room.
2. Go to *******.com
3. Click “Sign In” at the Top Right of the screen.
4. Your E-mail address is *****@******
5. Your password is: ********
6. There will be a message waiting there for you.

Good luck ****** and *****! And get ready for an exciting summer!

Calvo Padre


K-to-the-elsey said...

ur cool.
no really.
SOOO cool.


The Medievalist said...

Calvo Padre--lol

Liza said...

Love this! Posted a link from my blog

You are the coolest Dad!