June 29, 2006

Directions to Babyland

In most cemeteries there is a small plot of land dedicated to the burial of babies. The plots are small, and sometimes, they are free to those who own a full size plot elsewhere in the cemetery. The name often given to this portion of the cemetery is Babyland.

Directions to Babyland

When you enter Woodlawn Cemetery, continue straight ahead
On your left is the Garden of the Apostles,
You’ll recognize it by the statues of
White marbled men who first followed Him
On your right you’ll pass the Garden of the Resurrection,
In which are planted the souls who don’t plan to stay long.
Keeping going further back, past David and Goliath, past the Crucifixion

Then, far out of the sight of Mary and the saints,
You’ll see it dead ahead
A small plot packed with unremarkable markers
Strewn with tattered toys and rain-faded teddy bears.
And nailed to a tree above is a sign whose colored, bubbled letters
Belong in a department store.
You might just miss it, so watch carefully
Because just to the left of the lawnmower shed lies

© 2006
Daniel A. Buck

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