September 20, 2005

I'm gonna have to start screenwriting

I've decided it's time to learn how to write a screenplay. I've written plays, short stories, and articles, so the next logical step is of course, to write a screenplay. I'm encountering two psychological barriers, however.

I know films, I've just never written them. I've read a couple screenplays and they include a lot of language about the kind of shots required. Yet, I know only a little about that. I wonder will potential readers of my script be so put off by my clumsy visual concepts that they miss any skill in dialogue and storytelling that I demonstarte?

When one says, "I'm writing a script," the hearers obtain a glassy-eyed respect for the intellectual, literary endeavor being undertaken. The man who utters such words must certainly smoke pipes, listen to public radio and cringe at improper grammar.

When one says, "I'm writing a screenplay" he has successfully grouped himself with every desperate Hollywood half-writer, half fan boy that probably spent a good deal of his early literary work on episodes of Star Trek that feature lurid scenes of himself and 5 of Nine on the holodeck.

Interestingly enough, one of the above obstacles belies a lack of confidence in myself while the other belies my desire to shroud that insecurity in the trappings of culture. Pride and shame nicely wrapped into a spring roll of writer anxiety. The answer, is of course, to shut up and do it. But I could hardly call myself a writer if I didn't partake in a little smarmy self-loathing as I began the process.

Well, thanks for listening, 5 of nine.

End program.


Robotic Dio said...

Hi Mr. Buck. It's an old student of yours. Mr. Fantabulous, Ian Bowers. Edison was over at my house and showed me your blog and I realized I need one too. I am working on 3 screenplays at the moment. When I get one concept I should stick to it but then BAM! out comes another one and I momentarily abandon the one I was working one before. Me and Mark Lee have been wanting to make a movie for a long long time. Plus my mom has to wake me up every Sunday saying "Guess who I saw at church?." I heard about your movies nights and they sound awesome. Here is a link to my blog and you can check back whenever. Catch ya later.

DAN BUCK said...

Ian, you havent been a student in my class for three years You need to call me Dan. And welcome!

Edison in a moth-eaten ghillie suit said...

I know what kind of consequences a post like this will bring, but whether it be from lack of knowledge or threat of copyright infringement, the character's name is 7 of 9.

DAN BUCK said...

Edison - you have your hollodeck fantasies, I have mine!