August 29, 2006

Top 100 Spiritually Significant Films - 2006

Many of you may know I spend a good deal of time over at Which in, my opinion, lives up to its slogan "The best place on the Web for discussion of Christian faith, the arts and much more."

It's more a community than a discussion board. And the minds there humble me. In actual face-to-face discussions people seek me out for opinions and insights; I go HERE to learn.

A&F has put out a list of the Top 100 Spiritually Significant films. They have a long and carefully-conceived nomination and survey process. This list is the result. Lots of films you've probably never heard of here, which, in my opinion, is its strength. This isn't a list rehashing the same films everybody has seen, it's a primer for those who want to engage cinema with real depth.

It's not your typical Christian list. Passion of the Christ made the list, but it's way down at 45. It also contains The Elephant Man, The Last Temptation of Christ, and Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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